Thermal insulation of the attic floor

The importance of insulating roof coverings in the house is beyond doubt. Indeed, significant heat losses occur through an uninsulated roof – up to 20-30% of the total energy consumption. This is because the warm air in the house, due to convection, will certainly rise, therefore, despite the relatively small floor area, the total heat loss is significant. Insulation of the attic floor is required when the attic is unheated and cold. When installing an attic, a pitched roof is insulated, so there is no need for floor insulation.

The method of attic insulation richmond hill depends on the type of flooring: it is a reinforced concrete slab or wooden beams. In the first case, the bearing capacity of the ceiling is high, so it is possible to use heavy backfill thermal insulation materials, although they are ineffective in terms of thermal conductivity. In addition to heat-shielding properties, when choosing a heater, it is also necessary to pay attention to the possible combustibility of the heater and strength indicators. Flammable materials polystyrene, polyurethane, and celluloseare not recommended for wooden structures.

Mineral wool most satisfies the requirements of energy efficiency and fire safety when insulating the attic, namely its variety – stone or basalt wool. In addition to these advantages, stone wool slabs have the greatest strength and weather resistance compared to fibreglass. The strength of stone wool products varies depending on the brand and can reach values ​​at which walking on the material is allowed. Weather resistance consists of the ability to minimize moisture sorption from the surrounding air, which retains the heat-shielding properties of the material even in rainy autumn conditions.

Regarding the thickness of the insulation, you should rely on the current building codes. According to official documents, for most cities in the middle lane, a thickness of 200-250 mm is sufficient. However, how much insulation to use during construction, everyone has the right to decide for himself. After all, the amount of heat loss will depend on this, and, consequently, the cost of heating in winter. When operating a house, the cost of additional insulation will quickly pay off. It is recommended to lay the thermal insulation several layers apart, which will allow blocking of the joints of the plates and, thereby, improve the thermal efficiency of the insulation.

When insulating floors, a prerequisite is the use of a vapour barrier from the side of a warm room. This is because warm moist air rises, which means that when it enters the cold overlap zone, it condenses in the form of water, which will flow back into the room.